Jun 25 2021
PenArc Films: Accessibility event

PenArc Films: Accessibility event

Presented by The Arc of the Peninsulas at The Arc of the Peninsulas

Join us on Fridays from 12pm-2pm for free movie showings! We will have a new movie playing every week on our projector screen; it's like you are actually at the movies! Each showing will include free popcorn and a drink of choice.

To sign-up, please contact Cole Huber | (360) 552-5062, Chuber@penarc.org

Mission: To promote and protect the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities while actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Our programs encompass services critical to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities who reside in Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties.

Dates & Times

2021/06/25 - 2021/06/25

Location Info

The Arc of the Peninsulas

3243 Perry Ave NE, WA